In 1998 a tagged Bald Eagle from Catalina Island was seen nesting at beautiful Bass Lake which started the area's attraction for Bald Eagles. Since that time, officials have observed at least one successful fledged eaglet almost every year. Eagles generally nest in an area where there are many fish, and the local pairs take advantage of the Kokanee fish at Bass Lake. They mature when they are about four or five years old and then begin looking for a mate to start producing offspring. Eagles generally mate for life unless one dies, then they'll find a new mate.
Eagles usually have nests with one to three eggs. The Bass Lake pairs always nest one or two eaglets at a time. The Bass Lake eagles are most active in the morning and evening when they are foraging food for their young and that the best viewing opportunities are from a boat out on the lake.
Bald Eagles were at one time abundant in the United States but were listed under the Endangered Species Act in 1978 after being trapped, shot, poisoned, and suffered pesticide-caused reproductive failures. However, the species is now making a comeback and was removed from the Endangered Species List in 2007 although they are still faced with threats.
Bald Eagles are unique to the North American continent, which is one of the reasons they were chosen to be our national emblem.
Download the Bass Lake Bald Eagles Nesting History by the Sierra National Forest
2023 Update on Bass Lake's Bald Eagles by the Sierra National Forest, Bass Lake Ranger District:
We currently have three active territories and nests on Bass Lake for bald eagles. The three territories are labeled from south to north: Marina View territory, Pine Point territory, and Forks territory. We are scheduled to do a nesting survey with PG&E on March 21st and can update you further, but from January and February information, Forks territory is likely nesting this year. I am still unsure if Pine Point territory will be nesting this year. The same can be said for the Marina View territory this year. I have attached a nesting history/chronology for the bald eagles at Bass Lake. I tend to update this with the current year information around August or September each year. Please reach out if you were hoping for different information. Thanks for keeping the community interested in the bald eagles.